Salary Finder
The following teacher salary grids for Kootenay school districts are effective July 1, 2024. Figures are based on BCPSEA data.
A teacher’s salary category is assigned by the Teacher Qualification Service (TQS). It is based on TQS’s evaluation of a teacher’s training; professional and academic qualifications.
Within districts, there may be remote and rural communities. Please note that employees working in these communities are eligible to receive a remote and rural allowance, which is both an adjustment to the salary grid and an annual allowance of approximately $3,035 per FTE. Teachers on call (TOCs) are not eligible to receive this allowance.
Arrow Lakes 10
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $63,192 | $70,109 | $75,590 | $76,910 |
2 | $66,000 | $73,253 | $79,037 | $80,357 |
3 | $68,806 | $76,400 | $82,487 | $83,807 |
4 | $71,614 | $79,546 | $85,934 | $87,254 |
5 | $74,420 | $82,692 | $89,382 | $90,702 |
6 | $77,228 | $85,838 | $92,829 | $94,149 |
7 | $80,035 | $88,984 | $96,277 | $97,597 |
8 | $82,843 | $92,130 | $99,724 | $101,043 |
9 | $89,411 | $95,275 | $103,174 | $104,494 |
10 | - | $102,746 | $111,346 | $112,685 |
Note: All employees in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Boundary 51
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 6 | Cat 6 M |
0 | ||||
1 | $60,016 | $65,899 | $70,514 | $72,136 |
2 | $63,054 | $69,342 | $74,256 | $75,984 |
3 | $66,094 | $72,786 | $78,000 | $79,829 |
4 | $69,132 | $76,228 | $81,740 | $83,676 |
5 | $72,168 | $79,669 | $85,481 | $87,522 |
6 | $75,207 | $83,112 | $89,223 | $91,370 |
7 | $78,246 | $86,555 | $92,965 | $95,216 |
8 | $81,282 | $89,998 | $96,707 | $99,065 |
9 | $88,012 | $93,441 | $100,448 | $102,910 |
10 | - | $100,652 | $108,244 | $110,912 |
Note: Only employees working in the communities of Greenwood, Midway, and Rock Creek are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Conseil Scolaire Francophone de la C-B 93
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
1 | $58,230.97 | $62,669.08 | $67,347.43 | $68,865.01 |
2 | $61,142.68 | $66,035.95 | $71,051.55 | $72,562.51 |
3 | $64,054.40 | $69,405.03 | $74,754.56 | $76,257.81 |
4 | $66,965.01 | $72,771.91 | $78,457.57 | $79,955.31 |
5 | $69,875.62 | $76,137.68 | $82,160.59 | $83,650.61 |
6 | $72,787.34 | $79,505.66 | $85,864.70 | $87,349.21 |
7 | $75,699.05 | $82,873.64 | $89,567.71 | $91,045.61 |
8 | $78,609.66 | $86,241.61 | $93,271.83 | $94,742.01 |
9 | $81,521.38 | $89,608.49 | $96,974.84 | $98,438.41 |
10 | $87,622.32 | $96,956.70 | $104,481.90 | $106,217.04 |
Note: Only employees working in the community of Terrace are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Kootenay-Columbia 20
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $60,337 | $66,969 | $71,782 | $73,474 |
2 | $63,509 | $70,476 | $75,430 | $77,172 |
3 | $66,683 | $73,981 | $79,078 | $80,869 |
4 | $69,856 | $77,489 | $82,726 | $84,568 |
5 | $73,029 | $80,995 | $86,376 | $88,266 |
6 | $76,200 | $84,501 | $90,025 | $91,964 |
7 | $79,373 | $88,006 | $93,673 | $95,662 |
8 | $82,547 | $91,511 | $97,321 | $99,361 |
9 | $89,484 | $95,019 | $100,969 | $103,060 |
10 | - | $102,853 | $109,215 | $111,450 |
Note: All employees in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Kootenay Lake 08
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $60,197 | $66,591 | $71,371 | $73,050 |
2 | $63,367 | $70,013 | $75,036 | $76,801 |
3 | $66,538 | $73,434 | $78,700 | $80,550 |
4 | $69,707 | $76,853 | $82,363 | $84,298 |
5 | $72,877 | $80,274 | $86,026 | $88,048 |
6 | $76,046 | $83,696 | $89,690 | $91,797 |
7 | $79,216 | $87,117 | $93,355 | $95,547 |
8 | $82,386 | $90,538 | $97,019 | $99,297 |
9 | $89,313 | $93,957 | $100,682 | $103,045 |
10 | - | $101,659 | $108,934 | $111,488 |
Note: All employees in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Rocky Mountain 06
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
1 | ||||
2 | $60,430 | $68,337 | $72,323 | $73,723 |
3 | $63,413 | $71,766 | $76,099 | $77,622 |
4 | $66,399 | $75,193 | $79,876 | $81,520 |
5 | $69,384 | $78,623 | $83,653 | $85,419 |
6 | $72,370 | $82,050 | $87,428 | $89,317 |
7 | $75,354 | $85,480 | $91,202 | $93,215 |
8 | $78,339 | $88,908 | $94,979 | $97,112 |
9 | $81,323 | $92,336 | $98,756 | $101,011 |
MAX | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Note: All employees in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Southeast Kootenay 05
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 4+ | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | |||||
1 | $60,365 | $62,669 | $68,734 | $74,105 | $75,991 |
2 | $63,357 | $65,663 | $72,150 | $77,918 | $79,944 |
3 | $66,351 | $68,657 | $75,566 | $81,731 | $83,897 |
4 | $69,344 | $71,653 | $78,984 | $85,545 | $87,850 |
5 | $72,336 | $74,646 | $82,399 | $89,358 | $91,804 |
6 | $75,330 | $77,641 | $85,816 | $93,173 | $95,757 |
7 | $78,323 | $80,636 | $89,232 | $96,985 | $99,710 |
8 | $81,315 | $83,630 | $92,650 | $100,799 | $103,661 |
9 | $88,012 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $108,726 | $111,802 |
Note: Only employees working in the communities of Jaffray, Grasmere, Elkford, Sparwood, and Fernie are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.