Salary Finder
Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast
The following teacher salary grids for Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast school districts are effective July 1, 2024. Figures are based on BCPSEA data.
A teacher’s salary category is assigned by the Teacher Qualification Service (TQS). It is based on TQS’ evaluation of a teacher’s training; professional and academic qualifications.
Within districts, there may be remote and rural communities. Please note that employees working in these communities are eligible to receive a remote and rural allowance, which is both an adjustment to the salary grid and an annual allowance of approximately $3,035 per FTE. Teachers on call (TOCs) are not eligible to receive this allowance.
Pacific Rim 70
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $59,737 | $64,550 | $69,326 | $71,004 |
2 | $62,496 | $68,020 | $73,097 | $74,882 |
3 | $65,253 | $71,491 | $76,870 | $78,760 |
4 | $68,011 | $74,960 | $80,642 | $82,639 |
5 | $70,767 | $78,429 | $84,415 | $86,518 |
6 | $73,526 | $81,899 | $88,186 | $90,398 |
7 | $76,284 | $85,369 | $91,961 | $94,276 |
8 | $79,043 | $88,839 | $95,733 | $98,155 |
9 | $81,801 | $92,309 | $99,505 | $102,033 |
10 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,417 | $110,032 |
Note: Only employees working in the communities of Bamfield, Tofino, and Ucluet are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Campbell River 72
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $60,015 | $64,935 | $69,662 | $71,323 |
2 | $63,052 | $68,789 | $73,771 | $75,522 |
3 | $66,088 | $72,642 | $77,878 | $79,719 |
4 | $69,126 | $76,495 | $81,987 | $83,917 |
5 | $72,163 | $80,349 | $86,097 | $88,116 |
6 | $75,199 | $84,204 | $90,206 | $92,315 |
7 | $78,237 | $88,058 | $94,315 | $96,513 |
8 | $81,272 | $91,911 | $98,422 | $100,710 |
9 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Note: Only employees working in the communities of Read Island, Village of Sayward, and Cortes Island are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Comox Valley 71
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $59,711 | $64,549 | $69,250 | $70,903 |
2 | $62,445 | $68,017 | $72,949 | $74,681 |
3 | $65,178 | $71,487 | $76,648 | $78,459 |
4 | $67,910 | $74,955 | $80,345 | $82,238 |
5 | $70,644 | $78,422 | $84,043 | $86,017 |
6 | $73,378 | $81,891 | $87,739 | $89,795 |
7 | $76,111 | $85,360 | $91,437 | $93,574 |
8 | $78,843 | $88,829 | $95,136 | $97,353 |
9 | $81,575 | $92,297 | $98,833 | $101,130 |
10 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Conseil Scolaire Francophone de la C-B 93
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
1 | $58,230.97 | $62,669.08 | $67,347.43 | $68,865.01 |
2 | $61,142.68 | $66,035.95 | $71,051.55 | $72,562.51 |
3 | $64,054.40 | $69,405.03 | $74,754.56 | $76,257.81 |
4 | $66,965.01 | $72,771.91 | $78,457.57 | $79,955.31 |
5 | $69,875.62 | $76,137.68 | $82,160.59 | $83,650.61 |
6 | $72,787.34 | $79,505.66 | $85,864.70 | $87,349.21 |
7 | $75,699.05 | $82,873.64 | $89,567.71 | $91,045.61 |
8 | $78,609.66 | $86,241.61 | $93,271.83 | $94,742.01 |
9 | $81,521.38 | $89,608.49 | $96,974.84 | $98,438.41 |
10 | $87,622.32 | $96,956.70 | $104,481.90 | $106,217.04 |
Note: Only employees working in the community of Terrace are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Cowichan Valley 79
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $59,711 | $65,038 | $69,379 | $70,903 |
2 | $62,445 | $68,454 | $73,063 | $74,681 |
3 | $65,178 | $71,866 | $76,746 | $78,459 |
4 | $67,910 | $75,281 | $80,429 | $82,238 |
5 | $70,644 | $78,694 | $84,112 | $86,017 |
6 | $73,378 | $82,109 | $87,796 | $89,795 |
7 | $76,111 | $85,523 | $91,481 | $93,574 |
8 | $78,843 | $88,937 | $95,164 | $97,353 |
9 | $81,575 | $92,351 | $98,848 | $101,130 |
10 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Nanaimo-Ladysmith 68
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 | Cat 7 |
0 | |||||
1 | $60,832 | $66,431 | $70,607 | $72,075 | $69,976 |
2 | $64,186 | $70,639 | $75,246 | $76,864 | $74,626 |
3 | $67,539 | $74,846 | $79,884 | $81,655 | $79,276 |
4 | $70,895 | $79,053 | $84,523 | $86,445 | $83,927 |
5 | $74,248 | $83,261 | $89,161 | $91,234 | $88,577 |
6 | $77,601 | $87,469 | $93,800 | $96,025 | $93,228 |
7 | $80,955 | $91,677 | $98,439 | $100,815 | $97,879 |
8 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,180 | $109,713 | $106,517 |
Greater Victoria 61
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $61,901 | $67,776 | $72,950 | $74,767 |
2 | $64,656 | $70,886 | $76,302 | $78,205 |
3 | $67,412 | $73,995 | $79,655 | $81,642 |
4 | $70,168 | $77,106 | $83,007 | $85,078 |
5 | $72,923 | $80,215 | $86,358 | $88,516 |
6 | $75,678 | $83,326 | $89,710 | $91,953 |
7 | $78,434 | $86,435 | $93,062 | $95,390 |
8 | $81,190 | $89,545 | $96,413 | $98,826 |
9 | $83,947 | $92,654 | $99,766 | $102,262 |
10 | $90,073 | $99,972 | $107,254 | $109,812 |
Gulf Islands 64
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 4.33 | Cat 4.66 | Cat 5 | Cat 5.33 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | |||||||
1 | $59,711 | $59,993 | $61,098 | $64,549 | $64,924 | $69,250 | $70,903 |
2 | $62,445 | $63,006 | $64,406 | $68,017 | $68,564 | $72,949 | $74,681 |
3 | $65,178 | $66,019 | $67,714 | $71,487 | $72,206 | $76,648 | $78,459 |
4 | $67,910 | $69,033 | $71,024 | $74,955 | $75,845 | $80,345 | $82,238 |
5 | $70,644 | $72,046 | $74,333 | $78,422 | $79,483 | $84,043 | $86,017 |
6 | $73,378 | $75,059 | $77,641 | $81,891 | $83,125 | $87,739 | $89,795 |
7 | $76,111 | $78,072 | $80,952 | $85,360 | $86,763 | $91,437 | $93,574 |
8 | $78,843 | $81,086 | $84,258 | $88,829 | $90,406 | $95,136 | $97,353 |
9 | $81,575 | $84,101 | $87,568 | $92,297 | $94,045 | $98,833 | $101,130 |
10 | $88,012 | $88,305 | $92,121 | $99,972 | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Note: Only employees working in the community of Saturna are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
qathet 47
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $61,415 | $68,132 | $72,616 | $74,192 |
2 | $63,960 | $71,202 | $75,939 | $77,603 |
3 | $66,503 | $74,273 | $79,264 | $81,018 |
4 | $69,048 | $77,342 | $82,588 | $84,430 |
5 | $71,590 | $80,414 | $85,912 | $87,844 |
6 | $74,134 | $83,483 | $89,235 | $91,257 |
7 | $76,677 | $86,554 | $92,559 | $94,670 |
8 | $79,222 | $89,625 | $95,883 | $98,083 |
9 | $81,766 | $92,694 | $99,208 | $101,495 |
10 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Note: Only employees working in the community of Texada Island are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Qualicum 69
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $59,711 | $64,549 | $69,250 | $70,903 |
2 | $62,445 | $68,017 | $72,949 | $74,681 |
3 | $65,178 | $71,487 | $76,648 | $78,459 |
4 | $67,910 | $74,955 | $80,345 | $82,238 |
5 | $70,644 | $78,422 | $84,043 | $86,017 |
6 | $73,378 | $81,891 | $87,739 | $89,795 |
7 | $76,111 | $85,360 | $91,437 | $93,574 |
8 | $78,843 | $88,829 | $95,136 | $97,353 |
9 | $81,575 | $92,297 | $98,833 | $101,130 |
10 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Note: Only employees working in the community of Lasqueti are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Saanich 63
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 4+ | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | |||||
1 | $60,371 | $60,371 | $66,311 | $70,649 | $72,174 |
2 | $63,029 | $63,029 | $69,584 | $74,192 | $75,810 |
3 | $65,689 | $65,689 | $72,856 | $77,733 | $79,448 |
4 | $68,350 | $68,350 | $76,128 | $81,276 | $83,085 |
5 | $71,009 | $71,009 | $79,401 | $84,818 | $86,722 |
6 | $73,670 | $73,670 | $82,674 | $88,361 | $90,360 |
7 | $76,330 | $76,330 | $85,947 | $91,904 | $93,997 |
8 | $78,991 | $78,991 | $89,219 | $95,447 | $97,634 |
9 | $81,649 | $81,649 | $92,492 | $98,988 | $101,271 |
10 | $88,012 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Sooke 62
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $60,394 | $64,935 | $69,662 | $71,323 |
2 | $63,811 | $68,789 | $73,771 | $75,522 |
3 | $67,228 | $72,642 | $77,878 | $79,719 |
4 | $70,644 | $76,495 | $81,987 | $83,917 |
5 | $74,059 | $80,349 | $86,097 | $88,116 |
6 | $77,476 | $84,204 | $90,206 | $92,315 |
7 | $80,894 | $88,058 | $94,315 | $96,513 |
8 | $88,012 | $91,911 | $98,422 | $100,710 |
9 | $- | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Sunshine Coast 46
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $59,711 | $64,549 | $69,250 | $70,903 |
2 | $62,445 | $68,017 | $72,949 | $74,681 |
3 | $65,178 | $71,487 | $76,648 | $78,459 |
4 | $67,910 | $74,955 | $80,345 | $82,238 |
5 | $70,644 | $78,422 | $84,043 | $86,017 |
6 | $73,378 | $81,891 | $87,739 | $89,795 |
7 | $76,111 | $85,360 | $91,437 | $93,574 |
8 | $78,843 | $88,829 | $95,136 | $97,353 |
9 | $81,575 | $92,297 | $98,833 | $101,130 |
10 | $88,012 | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Vancouver Island North 85
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $61,410 | $67,997 | $71,818 | $73,160 |
2 | $64,368 | $71,504 | $75,585 | $77,020 |
3 | $67,325 | $75,012 | $79,353 | $80,878 |
4 | $70,282 | $78,519 | $83,121 | $84,738 |
5 | $73,240 | $82,028 | $86,889 | $88,597 |
6 | $76,197 | $85,537 | $90,658 | $92,457 |
7 | $79,153 | $89,043 | $94,425 | $96,316 |
8 | $82,112 | $92,552 | $98,194 | $100,176 |
9 | $85,068 | $96,060 | $101,961 | $104,034 |
10 | $91,891 | $103,943 | $110,376 | $112,637 |
Note: All employees working in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.
Vancouver Island West 84
Step | Cat 4 | Cat 5 | Cat 5+ | Cat 6 |
0 | ||||
1 | $61,488 | $67,356 | $70,996 | $72,275 |
2 | $64,343 | $70,512 | $74,500 | $75,901 |
3 | $67,195 | $73,670 | $78,003 | $79,525 |
4 | $70,049 | $76,827 | $81,507 | $83,151 |
5 | $72,904 | $79,983 | $85,011 | $86,779 |
6 | $75,758 | $83,139 | $88,516 | $90,404 |
7 | $78,611 | $86,295 | $92,020 | $94,030 |
8 | $81,466 | $89,453 | $95,523 | $97,657 |
9 | $88,020 | $92,609 | $99,027 | $101,284 |
10 | - | $99,972 | $107,036 | $109,520 |
Note: All employees working in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.