Make a Future and the Ministry of Education on Full Day Kindergarten

In August, 2009, the Ministry of Education announced that it was phasing in full day kindergarten across the province by September 2011.

The implementation plan, led by the Early Learning Branch of the Ministry of Education, involves a staged approach with funding for an additional 15,000 students to access full day kindergarten in the first school year (2010-2011) and 100% of eligible students having access to full day kindergarten by 2011-2012.

In a partnership with the Early Learning Branch, Make a Future examined the human resources issues related to full day kindergarten to create a resource to assist districts in their staffing of kindergarten teachers.

This resource is a "toolkit" that provides strategies and resources to assist districts at all three stages of the hiring process — recruitment, selection, and retention. Completed on March 2010, school district employers may access the full day kindergarten toolkit in the Employers section.