Life as a BC Teacher - Make A Future

Life as a BC Teacher

Live and Teach in BC

Check out the video to learn more about the BC diverse lifestyles, recreational opportunities and gorgeous natural environments. While the landscapes differ, some things hold true provincewide. These include supportive learning communities, innovative curriculum, and physical surroundings that are constant sources of inspiration and enjoyment.

And no matter where you choose to live and teach, the words of Lucas Anderson, Ucluelet Secondary School, “There is nothing cooler I can think of doing with my life than being a teacher in this classroom, in this part of the world.”

The Good News!

  • Some districts offer financial incentives up to $10,000 and more for qualified teachers.
  • Housing in some communities is much more affordable than other parts of BC.
  • Develop rich connections to local First Nations communities, languages, art, culture and events.
  • Experience easy access to nature and recreation in your backyard.
  • Be an integral part of the lives and learning of your students.

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Make a Future is a partnership among BC’s Ministry of Education, public school boards, First Nations Education and independent schools. We’re here to help you build a future in BC Education.

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