Meet 18 British Columbia School Employers in Toronto

EdTalent BC Employers

Updated November 5th, 2019

British Columbia is the land of opportunity for teachers with hundreds of job opportunities available across the province. 18 BC school districts and independent schools are back in Toronto on November 8th looking to hire teachers to full-time, part-time, and on-call roles. 

If you're looking for a meaningful and fulfilling career in education, come to the EdTalent Job Fair at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel to speak to one of our BC recruiters. 

Whether you're looking for a rural or remote community or a bustling urban centre, you'll be able to find your next adventure with one of the 18 schools attending EdTalent. 

Participating Employers by Region:

Come to Ed Talent and meet the following school districts! 

Metro Vancouver

Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast

Fraser Valley

Northern BC

Central BC

  • Quesnel School District #28


If you're considering to make a move to BC, e-mail Devon Frame at for more job opportunities, tips and information on the application process. 

Email us your questions