Teacher Salary Grids: Kootenay BC Region School Districts


Les échelles salariales suivantes des enseignants pour les districts scolaires de Kootenay sont en vigueur depuis juillet 2021. Les chiffres sont basés sur des données de BCPSEA.

La catégorie de salaire d’un enseignant est attribuée par le Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) (Service de qualification des enseignants). Elle est basée sur l’évaluation par le TQS de la formation d’un enseignant et des compétences professionnelles et universitaires.

Dans les districts, il peut y avoir des communautés éloignées et rurales. Veuillez noter que les employés travaillant dans ces communautés sont admissibles à une indemnité rurale et d’éloignement, qui est un ajustement à la grille salariale et une indemnité annuelle de 2 519 $ par ETP. Les enseignants suppléants ne sont pas admissibles à recevoir cette indemnité.

Arrow Lakes 10

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
1$63,192 $70,109 $75,590 $76,910
2$66,000 $73,253 $79,037 $80,357
3$68,806 $76,400 $82,487 $83,807
4$71,614 $79,546 $85,934 $87,254
5$74,420 $82,692 $89,382 $90,702
6$77,228 $85,838 $92,829 $94,149
7$80,035 $88,984 $96,277 $97,597
8$82,843 $92,130 $99,724 $101,043
9$89,411 $95,275 $103,174 $104,494
10 - $102,746 $111,346 $112,685
SD 10 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  All employees in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Boundary 51

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 6Cat 6 M
1$60,016 $65,899 $70,514 $72,136
2$63,054 $69,342 $74,256 $75,984
3$66,094 $72,786 $78,000 $79,829
4$69,132 $76,228 $81,740 $83,676
5$72,168 $79,669 $85,481 $87,522
6$75,207 $83,112 $89,223 $91,370
7$78,246 $86,555 $92,965 $95,216
8$81,282 $89,998 $96,707 $99,065
9$88,012 $93,441 $100,448 $102,910
10 - $100,652 $108,244 $110,912
SD 51 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  Only employees working in the communities of Greenwood, Midway, and Rock Creek are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Conseil Scolaire Francophone de la C-B 93

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $58,230.97 $62,669.08 $67,347.43 $68,865.01
2 $61,142.68 $66,035.95 $71,051.55 $72,562.51
3 $64,054.40 $69,405.03 $74,754.56 $76,257.81
4 $66,965.01 $72,771.91 $78,457.57 $79,955.31
5 $69,875.62 $76,137.68 $82,160.59 $83,650.61
6 $72,787.34 $79,505.66 $85,864.70 $87,349.21
7 $75,699.05 $82,873.64 $89,567.71 $91,045.61
8 $78,609.66 $86,241.61 $93,271.83 $94,742.01
9 $81,521.38 $89,608.49 $96,974.84 $98,438.41
10 $87,622.32 $96,956.70 $104,481.90 $106,217.04
SD 93 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023

Note:  Only employees working in the community of Terrace are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Kootenay-Columbia 20

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
1$60,337 $66,969 $71,782 $73,474
2$63,509 $70,476 $75,430 $77,172
3$66,683 $73,981 $79,078 $80,869
4$69,856 $77,489 $82,726 $84,568
5$73,029 $80,995 $86,376 $88,266
6$76,200 $84,501 $90,025 $91,964
7$79,373 $88,006 $93,673 $95,662
8$82,547 $91,511 $97,321 $99,361
9$89,484 $95,019 $100,969 $103,060
10 - $102,853 $109,215 $111,450
SD 20 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  All employees in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Kootenay Lake 08

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
1$60,197 $66,591 $71,371 $73,050
2$63,367 $70,013 $75,036 $76,801
3$66,538 $73,434 $78,700 $80,550
4$69,707 $76,853 $82,363 $84,298
5$72,877 $80,274 $86,026 $88,048
6$76,046 $83,696 $89,690 $91,797
7$79,216 $87,117 $93,355 $95,547
8$82,386 $90,538 $97,019 $99,297
9$89,313 $93,957 $100,682 $103,045
10 - $101,659 $108,934 $111,488
SD 8 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  All employees in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Rocky Mountain 06

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
2$60,430 $68,337 $72,323 $73,723
3$63,413 $71,766 $76,099 $77,622
4$66,399 $75,193 $79,876 $81,520
5$69,384 $78,623 $83,653 $85,419
6$72,370 $82,050 $87,428 $89,317
7$75,354 $85,480 $91,202 $93,215
8$78,339 $88,908 $94,979 $97,112
9$81,323 $92,336 $98,756 $101,011
MAX$88,012 $99,972 $107,036 $109,520
SD 6 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  All employees in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Southeast Kootenay 05

StepCat 4Cat 4+Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
1$60,365 $62,669 $68,734 $74,105 $75,991
2$63,357 $65,663 $72,150 $77,918 $79,944
3$66,351 $68,657 $75,566 $81,731 $83,897
4$69,344 $71,653 $78,984 $85,545 $87,850
5$72,336 $74,646 $82,399 $89,358 $91,804
6$75,330 $77,641 $85,816 $93,173 $95,757
7$78,323 $80,636 $89,232 $96,985 $99,710
8$81,315 $83,630 $92,650 $100,799 $103,661
9$88,012 $88,012 $99,972 $108,726 $111,802
SD 5 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  Only employees working in the communities of Jaffray, Grasmere, Elkford, Sparwood, and Fernie are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.


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