Current Job Openings

Last Updated: 2/16/2025 12:02:35 PM EST

School Overview

Why teach at Penticton Christian School?

Penticton Christian School is a small Christian school “that can.” While we desire to grow in size, we wish to do so at a reasonable pace to enable us to maintain our distinct and healthy school culture. The school community has a family feel—enabling us to get to know our students and their families well. Staff members are valued and they work hard at serving all students well. Staff enjoy being with one another, and while respecting individual differences, strive to fully embrace the mission, vision, Big Ideas, and values of Penticton Christian School.

Our Mission, Vision and Values

Penticton Christian School is a Christ-centered, multi-denominational, multi-ethnical, educational community. In partnership with the Christian home and church, we seek to bring glory to God in each facet of our life together. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we explore God’s world in the light of His truth as revealed in the Bible. We recognize that every individual is uniquely created by God. We strive to provide a loving learning environment that encourages the discovery and development of each child’s God-given potential. We desire that our students be equipped for daily living and service, having a Christ-like heart toward His created world. Our vision is to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ by honouring students – by providing educational tools, methods, and surroundings, to equip them to be all that God created them to be.

Penticton Christian School welcomes students and families from all walks of life as long as they respect and support the school’s mission, vision and values.

The Community

The Big Ideas at our school are that we are unique and together in community under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We embrace the interconnectedness of the various disciplines and subjects of study. The intrinsic curriculum – a focus on building and maintaining caring relationships among students, staff, families, and community – is of paramount importance to the health of our school. As a K-12 school, we offer all BC Ministry of Education learning standards in the various curricula we teach to our students. Students in grades 10-12 often engage in online learning while maintaining a full course load at Penticton Christian School. The school’s strong special education program enriches the learning experience of all students and the entire school community.

Lifestyle and Recreational Opportunities

Penticton Christian School serves the communities of the South Okanagan, British Columbia: Penticton, Naramata, Summerland, Peachland, West Kelowna, Okanagan Falls, Oliver, and Osoyoos. Penticton offers year-round recreational opportunities boasting some of the warmest weather in all of Canada. The city is world-renowned for its beaches, lakes, ski slopes, vineyards, and orchards and, of course, peaches.

Swimming, Boating, Peaches and More Outdoor Opportunities

Opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts are endless. Residents enjoy activities such as wine tasting, fruit picking, gardening, swimming, boating, camping, fishing, hunting, skiing, theatre and musical performances, movies, shopping, and so forth. Amenities also include access to the Adidas Sportsplex, various sports fields, the Okanagan Events Centre, hockey arenas, theatres, movie theatre, a great selection of restaurants, beaches, a newly expanded hospital, a brand-new community swimming pool, the KVR Trail, cooking/gymnastics/art/dance/pottery camps for kids in the summer, etc.

Compared to the BC Lower Mainland, Penticton offers a slower pace of life. Residents spend very little time, if any, in traffic jams. Shopping is good, with Kelowna being very close and offering additional world-class shopping opportunities.

Penticton is located approximately 45 minutes from the US border.

  • Pentiction Christian School Kindergarten classroom
  • Pentiction Christian School family bbq
  • Pentiction Christian School Grade 12 Buddy Program
  • Pentiction Christian School Grade 12 Buddy Program

Draw for Employees

Teachers at Penticton Christian School enjoy a high degree of professional autonomy. While we expect the best of our employees, the level of support for one another that is found at the school is exemplary. Assistants assigned to the various classrooms enjoy a close working relationship with the teachers in charge and are relied on for their expertise as well. Teachers and other staff members feel supported by their Principal.

Salary and Benefits

Penticton Christian’s teachers and support staff members receive a fair salary/wages; competitive benefits package, including pension and extended health coverage. Our school is committed to providing ongoing professional development and a high degree of professional autonomy to our teachers.

Extra vacation time around the Christmas break is a staple at Penticton Christian School. The school year varies from 174 to 178 teaching days, flanked by professional development time at the beginning and end of the school year.

Working in a smaller educational setting with the opportunity to interact with students of all ages and abilities enriches the professional teaching and learning experience at Penticton Christian School.

Why you’ll love it here

We have a healthy workplace culture as we embrace a collaborative and collegial approach to working and learning together. The Principal leads the staff by being supportive and visible. Staff team members support the school administration by carrying out agreed-upon tasks faithfully and well, thereby supporting students in their learning and school environment. There is very little staff turnover. Staff team members that accept a new position and are willing to serve their students well remain in the school’s employ for many years. Many former staff members participate in the school community even after retirement.

A Commitment to Professional Development

Professional development is carried out throughout the school year. The school’s leadership subscribes to the principles of servant leadership, enabling employees to feel supported, valued, and appreciated. While contracts are in place, they serve to provide general guidance and agreement on a few core employment conditions and expectations.

Teachers at Penticton Christian School can expect a strongly supportive and safe working environment.

Application Requirements

When applying to Penticton Christian School, applicants are required to provide a personal statement of Christian faith commitment. Moreover, one should be able to sign to and uphold the Penticton Christian School Community Standards Policy.