Teacher Salary Grids: Vancouver Island Region School Districts

Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast

The following teacher salary grids for Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast school districts are effective July 1, 2023. Figures are based on BCPSEA data.

A teacher’s salary category is assigned by the Teacher Qualification Service (TQS). It is based on TQS’ evaluation of a teacher’s training; professional and academic qualifications.

Within districts, there may be remote and rural communities. Please note that employees working in these communities are eligible to receive a remote and rural allowance, which is both an adjustment to the salary grid and an annual allowance of approximately $2,947 per FTE.  Teachers on call (TOCs) are not eligible to receive this allowance.

Pacific Rim 70

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
Salary grid for teachers in eligible remote and rural schools
Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
SD 70 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Note:  Only employees working in the communities of Bamfield, Tofino, and Ucluet are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Campbell River 72

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $58,267.34 $63,043.78 $67,632.88 $69,245.23
2 $61,215.42 $66,785.37 $71,622.43 $73,321.85
3 $64,163.51 $70,525.85 $75,609.78 $77,397.37
4 $67,112.69 $74,267.44 $79,599.34 $81,472.88
5 $70,060.77 $78,009.02 $83,588.89 $85,549.50
6 $73,008.86 $81,751.71 $87,578.45 $89,626.12
7 $75,958.04 $85,493.30 $91,568.00 $93,701.64
8 $78,905.02 $89,233.78 $95,555.35 $97,777.16
9 $85,357.80 $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 72 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Note:  Only employees working in the communities of Read Island, Village of Sayward, and Cortes Island are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Comox Valley 71

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $57,971.98 $62,669.08 $67,232.82 $68,837.46
2 $60,625.81 $66,035.95 $70,824.52 $72,506.30
3 $63,279.63 $69,405.03 $74,415.12 $76,174.05
4 $65,932.35 $72,771.91 $78,004.62 $79,842.90
5 $68,586.18 $76,137.68 $81,595.22 $83,511.74
6 $71,241.11 $79,505.66 $85,183.61 $87,179.49
7 $73,893.83 $82,873.64 $88,774.21 $90,848.34
8 $76,546.55 $86,241.61 $92,364.81 $94,517.19
9 $79,199.28 $89,608.49 $95,954.31 $98,184.93
10 $85,357.80 $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 71 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Conseil Scolaire Francophone de la C-B 93

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $58,230.97 $62,669.08 $67,347.43 $68,865.01
2 $61,142.68 $66,035.95 $71,051.55 $72,562.51
3 $64,054.40 $69,405.03 $74,754.56 $76,257.81
4 $66,965.01 $72,771.91 $78,457.57 $79,955.31
5 $69,875.62 $76,137.68 $82,160.59 $83,650.61
6 $72,787.34 $79,505.66 $85,864.70 $87,349.21
7 $75,699.05 $82,873.64 $89,567.71 $91,045.61
8 $78,609.66 $86,241.61 $93,271.83 $94,742.01
9 $81,521.38 $89,608.49 $96,974.84 $98,438.41
10 $87,622.32 $96,956.70 $104,481.90 $106,217.04
SD 93 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023

Note: Only employees working in the community of Terrace are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Cowichan Valley 79

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $57,971.98 $63,144.07 $67,358.46 $68,837.46
2 $60,625.81 $66,460.25 $70,934.73 $72,506.30
3 $63,279.63 $69,773.13 $74,511.00 $76,174.05
4 $65,932.35 $73,088.21 $78,086.17 $79,842.90
5 $68,586.18 $76,402.18 $81,662.44 $83,511.74
6 $71,241.11 $79,717.26 $85,238.71 $87,179.49
7 $73,893.83 $83,032.34 $88,816.09 $90,848.34
8 $76,546.55 $86,346.31 $92,392.36 $94,517.19
9 $79,199.28 $89,661.39 $95,968.63 $98,184.93
10 $85,357.80 $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 79 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Nanaimo-Ladysmith 68

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6 Cat 6+
1 $57,971.98 $63,178.24 $68,018.61 $69,351.03 $70,531.36
2 $60,625.81 $66,488.91 $71,611.41 $72,961.47 $74,125.27
3 $63,279.63 $69,799.58 $75,206.42 $76,574.11 $77,718.07
4 $65,932.35 $73,110.25 $78,800.32 $80,185.65 $81,311.98
5 $68,586.18 $76,422.02 $82,394.23 $83,796.08 $84,905.88
6 $71,241.11 $79,732.69 $85,989.24 $87,407.62 $88,498.69
7 $73,893.83 $83,042.26 $89,582.04 $91,019.16 $92,093.70
8 $76,546.55 $86,354.03 $93,177.05 $94,630.70 $95,686.50
9 $79,199.28 $89,665.80 $96,770.95 $98,242.24 $99,281.51
10 $85,357.80 $96,956.70 $104,156.98 $106,217.04 $104,895.54
11 $107,808.51
SD 68 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Greater Victoria 61

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $60,097.91 $65,802.31 $70,825.62 $72,588.96
2 $62,772.67 $68,820.92 $74,080.08 $75,927.18
3 $65,448.54 $71,839.54 $77,334.55 $79,264.30
4 $68,124.41 $74,860.36 $80,589.01 $82,600.32
5 $70,799.17 $77,878.98 $83,842.37 $85,937.44
6 $73,473.94 $80,898.70 $87,096.83 $89,274.56
7 $76,149.80 $83,917.31 $90,351.30 $92,611.68
8 $78,825.67 $86,937.03 $93,604.66 $95,947.69
9 $81,501.54 $89,955.65 $96,860.22 $99,283.71
10 $87,355.97 $96,956.70 $104,018.83 $106,499.97
SD 61 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Gulf Islands 64

Step Cat 4 Cat 4.33 Cat 4.66 Cat 5 Cat 5.33 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $57,971.98 $58,245.30 $59,318.73 $62,669.08 $63,032.76 $67,232.82 $68,837.46
2 $60,625.81 $61,171.34 $62,530.21 $66,035.95 $66,567.16 $70,824.52 $72,506.30
3 $63,279.63 $64,096.28 $65,741.69 $69,405.03 $70,102.65 $74,415.12 $76,174.05
4 $65,932.35 $67,022.32 $68,955.38 $72,771.91 $73,635.94 $78,004.62 $79,842.90
5 $68,586.18 $69,947.26 $72,167.96 $76,137.68 $77,168.13 $81,595.22 $83,511.74
6 $71,241.11 $72,873.30 $75,379.44 $79,505.66 $80,703.63 $85,183.61 $87,179.49
7 $73,893.83 $75,798.24 $78,594.23 $82,873.64 $84,235.82 $88,774.21 $90,848.34
8 $76,546.55 $78,724.28 $81,803.51 $86,241.61 $87,772.41 $92,364.81 $94,517.19
9 $79,199.28 $81,651.42 $85,017.20 $89,608.49 $91,305.70 $95,954.31 $98,184.93
10 $85,357.80 $85,641.83 $89,341.99 $96,956.70 $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 64 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Note: Only employees working in the community of Saturna are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

qathet 47

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $59,626.21 $66,147.26 $70,500.51 $72,031.30
2 $62,097.09 $69,128.41 $73,727.42 $75,343.08
3 $64,565.77 $72,109.55 $76,955.43 $78,658.15
4 $67,036.65 $75,089.60 $80,182.34 $81,971.03
5 $69,505.32 $78,071.84 $83,409.25 $85,285.00
6 $71,975.10 $81,051.89 $86,636.16 $88,598.98
7 $74,443.77 $84,033.03 $89,863.07 $91,912.95
8 $76,914.65 $87,014.18 $93,089.98 $95,225.83
9 $79,384.43 $89,994.22 $96,318.00 $98,538.70
10 $85,357.80 $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 47 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Note:  Only employees working in the community of Texada Island are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Qualicum 69

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $57,971.98 $62,669.08 $67,232.82 $68,837.46
2 $60,625.81 $66,035.95 $70,824.52 $72,506.30
3 $63,279.63 $69,405.03 $74,415.12 $76,174.05
4 $65,932.35 $72,771.91 $78,004.62 $79,842.90
5 $68,586.18 $76,137.68 $81,595.22 $83,511.74
6 $71,241.11 $79,505.66 $85,183.61 $87,179.49
7 $73,893.83 $82,873.64 $88,774.21 $90,848.34
8 $76,546.55 $86,241.61 $92,364.81 $94,517.19
9 $79,199.28 $89,608.49 $95,954.31 $98,184.93
10 $85,357.80 $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 69 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Note:  Only employees working in the community of Lasqueti are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Saanich 63

Step Cat 4 Cat 4+ Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $58,612.29 $58,612.29 $64,379.51 $68,591.69 $70,071.79
2 $61,193.38 $61,193.38 $67,556.83 $72,031.30 $73,601.78
3 $63,775.57 $63,775.57 $70,734.15 $75,468.71 $77,133.97
4 $66,358.86 $66,358.86 $73,910.36 $78,908.33 $80,665.05
5 $68,941.05 $68,941.05 $77,088.78 $82,347.94 $84,196.14
6 $71,524.34 $71,524.34 $80,266.10 $85,787.55 $87,728.33
7 $74,106.53 $74,106.53 $83,443.42 $89,227.17 $91,259.42
8 $76,689.83 $76,689.83 $86,620.73 $92,666.78 $94,790.50
9 $79,270.91 $79,270.91 $89,798.05 $96,105.29 $98,321.59
10 $85,357.80 $85,357.80 $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 63 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Sooke 62

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $58,635.44 $63,043.78 $67,632.88 $69,245.23
2 $61,952.72 $66,785.37 $71,622.43 $73,321.85
3 $65,270.00 $70,525.85 $75,609.78 $77,397.37
4 $68,586.18 $74,267.44 $79,599.34 $81,472.88
5 $71,902.36 $78,009.02 $83,588.89 $85,549.50
6 $75,219.64 $81,751.71 $87,578.45 $89,626.12
7 $78,538.03 $85,493.30 $91,568.00 $93,701.64
8 $85,357.80 $89,233.78 $95,555.35 $97,777.16
9 $- $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 62 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Sunshine Coast 46

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $57,971.98 $62,669.08 $67,232.82 $68,837.46
2 $60,625.81 $66,035.95 $70,824.52 $72,506.30
3 $63,279.63 $69,405.03 $74,415.12 $76,174.05
4 $65,932.35 $72,771.91 $78,004.62 $79,842.90
5 $68,586.18 $76,137.68 $81,595.22 $83,511.74
6 $71,241.11 $79,505.66 $85,183.61 $87,179.49
7 $73,893.83 $82,873.64 $88,774.21 $90,848.34
8 $76,546.55 $86,241.61 $92,364.81 $94,517.19
9 $79,199.28 $89,608.49 $95,954.31 $98,184.93
10 $85,357.80 $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 46 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Vancouver Island North 85

Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 5+ Cat 6
1 $59,621.80 $66,016.11 $69,725.74 $71,029.51
2 $62,492.74 $69,421.56 $73,383.56 $74,776.60
3 $65,363.68 $72,827.01 $77,041.39 $78,522.60
4 $68,234.61 $76,232.46 $80,700.32 $82,269.69
5 $71,106.65 $79,639.01 $84,358.15 $86,016.79
6 $73,977.59 $83,045.56 $88,017.08 $89,763.88
7 $76,847.42 $86,449.91 $91,674.90 $93,510.98
8 $79,720.57 $89,856.46 $95,333.83 $97,258.08
9 $82,590.40 $93,261.91 $98,991.66 $101,004.07
10 $89,119.84 $100,808.27 $107,047.04 $109,239.72
SD 85 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Note:  All employees working in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Vancouver Island West 84

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
1 $59,696.75 $65,394.54 $68,927.83 $70,169.88
2 $62,468.50 $68,458.34 $72,329.97 $73,689.95
3 $65,238.04 $71,524.34 $75,731.01 $77,208.91
4 $68,008.69 $74,589.25 $79,133.15 $80,728.97
5 $70,780.44 $77,653.05 $82,535.30 $84,251.24
6 $73,551.08 $80,717.95 $85,937.44 $87,771.31
7 $76,321.73 $83,781.76 $89,339.58 $91,291.38
8 $79,093.48 $86,847.76 $92,740.62 $94,812.54
9 $85,365.53 $89,911.56 $96,142.76 $98,333.71
10 - $96,956.70 $103,807.74 $106,217.04
SD 84 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023.

Note:  All employees working in this district are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.


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